Wednesday 28 September 2011


Thru' definition technically a connection between 2 or more person. It has a vast meanings if u know why..
It can be simply by blood, by emotion or an affair.

I've been in a relationship. Good one u can say..everyone does, with families and friends. With dearest beloved or hatred also a part of relationship. Well, it does up to each individuals for their definition on it..
Some people, peculiar ones might not have the same understanding with these..who to blame? God created us all equal, despite the obvious physical differences.

Few years has pass, gosh 4 years..that's long enough..people do come and go..but few do come with love and hate us then. Ouch! Hate is a pretty strong word, or should i rephrase it..dislike. Yes, much better. I met this one person, this particular ones..who loves me 'dearly' but nahh...well all of use know how it goes. Just like the movies! Some were sad, some happy and yeah some does nahh... People tend to do common things. Unfriend in facebook, block in facebook, you know those are for security and preventing stalkers..or maybe for someone we dislike. Before Facebook came, the era where network aren't so advance, you can't unfriend neither block. We just ignore! Phew! At least we don't need the guts to face the person. What a chicken we are.. yeah, exactly the way you treated me.

I guess that concludes..see ya later. Forgive for my grammatical errors.

p/s people nowdays prefer comunicate thru' text rather than is so sad ):

Saturday 26 March 2011

mungkin kerana perangai aku x segila orang lain

5 sign of people leaving u. sedih tau..

first, orang buat benda depan, blakang, tepi kiri kanan ko tanpa nak ko terlibat pun.

second, slalu je ckp brgurau2. then, x lagi. paling x best, org x ckp ngan ko wlupun lam bilik yg sama lagi kecik.

third, org dh x "CAKAP" slalu tanya, nak ke mane dh makn lom jum kita g.

fourth, perkataan kitaorg nak dia x ajak wlupun free nak mampos tahap dewa.

fifth, slalu tingal ko mcm tunggul kayu ckp sorang diri pada tiang yang xda telinga.

Ultimate, cakap tinggal la sehari dua kita g merayap-rayap. tp kosong je skrg.

Second ultimate, mimik muka cakap kat ko dh lain.

jd klu tanda2 ni kena pada anda. paham2 jela maknanya anda ditinggalkan. xpe, kita manusia yang baik jd x berdendam.

"Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us."

Tuesday 8 March 2011

I'm feeling sad

lame x tulis blog kan? hmm..biasala hidup ni..bla busy.
cian blog ni, tersadai sekian biasa, blog ni lama nak tulis..
jd sementara ada masa ni, saya coret sikit-sikit la perkembangan saya.

dh hampir bulan dh kat UNITEN. so far ok la..i meet new people. Alot of them.
However, due to restriction, susah nak mingle ngan diaorg. jauh tempat nak jalan.
tp xpa, just maybe for this sem. mybe next time, my life would get more lucky.

OhH, ya..i got pinjaman PTPTN. which are not that much, but sekadar nak byr tuition fees. okla
lame jugak la sy xda duit. cian x?
for so long i didnt get anything for myself. x mcm dulu, tiap2 bulan ada2 je brng baru.
Now my lifestyle are not lavishly mcm dulu..sapa tau apa akan terjadi in meer future?

hmmm....sya ada hati nak tulis ni sebab nak lepaskan rasa..sedih sebenarnya..and letih.
im damn tired try to fight something which are not my league.
i've been fighting my whole life for something that im not very compatible with but what options are left for me?

I know where i stand but if i just my stance too rigidly, then wat would happen in my life?
getting a good friends is quite enough apatah lagi the RIGHT friends.
I think i maybe made the wrong move at first when i came, but can i do?
gosh i really miss my friends...esp makan. :)

this term almost coming to an end. i hope everything will go well
starting from now till the end where i go back home.
Miss my home..lama x balik...
How long have any of u didnt go back?

actually this is my pinpoint, don't faked a frendship. never.
nak rapat ke xnak xpe, asal jgn stab or in other words kecewakan harapan org la utk berkawan..
it's rude kat negara org.
kat negara sendiri makmur tp backstabing tambah stabing betul2 pun ada..pelik kan? mengarut je..tata.
it hurts u really had an experience with it.

Friday 7 January 2011

Suma org fly dan kenapa tidak aku.

Suma org fly dan kenapa tidak aku. Suma ni sbb lumrah hidup. Mungkin dri awal lagi tiada nasib. Atau silap aku sendiri. Tetapi ada juga kelebihan nya kenapa. Aku mungkin minat atau tidak medic itu. Tiada sapa2 yg boleh dipersalahkan selain diriku sendiri. Betul, mmg silap sendiri. Terburu2 mengejar penyelesaian sehingga alpa akan tujuan.

Sekarang, bukan saja tidak fly, nasib untuk diterima mana2 universiti adalah sngat tipis. Scholar pun dh xda. Aku mmg berhutang budi akan UNITEN kerana inilah satu2nya universiti sanggup menerimaku yg serba kekurangan dan tidak berjaya ini. Result pun cukup makan, tp x cukup utk dterima mana2 universiti.

Sekarang siapa yg paling kecewa kalau tidak ibu bapa ku? Mungkin tidak nampak di riak wajahku, namun hati ini siapa tau. Saban hari mengenang namun masa tidak boleh diputar balik. Aku bukan time traveller, bukan superman mahupun wonder woman. Makan, minum, pakaian suma ditanggung ibubapa. Study pun skrg, parents aku menanggung. Malu aku. Walau bukan kehendak aku, apa daya yg aku ada? Tiada lepasan diploma pun. Nak kerja, kerja apa ku dpt?? Aku berharap akan PTPTN skrg. Jika diluluskan, bersyukur betul. Ringan sikit beban ibu-bapaku. Kesian kat diaorg, tiap kali kena bagi duit.

Sehingga kini aku masih ingat dengan apa yg cikgu2 aku cakap. Aku hanya akan berjaya satu ketika je. X akan kemana pun. Mmg betullah apa yg dikatakan. Lecturer English aku pun mangatakan benda yg sama, aku xkan kemana-mana. Apa perasaan parents ku sekiranya mereka dengar atau tahu apa yg dikatakan cikgu2 dan lecturer ku ini? Walaupun result sekolah2 tinggi belaka, kecundang jugak aku. UPSR 5A, PMR 7A, SPM10A. Dri kecik lagi aku berusaha untuk gembirakan parents aku. Tp makin tua, makin setan aku jadi. Buat diaorg kecewa. Inilah, A-LEVEL 2C,1E.

Software Engineering adalah apa yg aku layak setakat ini. Bachelor of Computer Science. Inilah apa yg aku buat sekarang. Sangat berhutang budi kepada UNITEN yg sanggup menerima ku dan juga mengurangkan kekecewaan ibubapaku. TERIMA KASIH. PTPTN, jangan musnahkan harapan ibu bapa aku ye...aku amat berharap.

Sudah terlambat semua. Tiada gunanya lagi untuk memandang ke belakang. Satu jalan je untuk aku sekarang. Graduate and dapatkan kerja. At least dengan cara ini aku x akan hampakan parents aku.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Registration Is Tomorrow

Few hours left for me before i head to UNITEN. My new place. Or home you can call. I hope everything will be fine as i wanted. Please let tomorrow be pleasant. I hope im in good shape.
Uniten, here i come.
Registering ALONE.

Monday 4 October 2010

i feel angry

dammit. why i feel damn angry all the time. shoot! and fuck!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

My hope to be success U application

Few more days towards the end of the online application. but still my head n mind not yet ready or even decide whats best for me. if i still follow my heart, i wanna study to be a life saver, a DOC.
But thats just a dream where anyone can ever dream but not all can achieve. I'm stuck and there's no second chance and no turning back.
Now, new path have been set for me..maybe that the plan where it's been sculpture if i made mistake..n yes i did.
I can apply for engineering or maybe degree in core subject. MBBS is not a choice anymore. It is already way out of my door steps. I was supposed, was expected to be one of the future DOCS but i dont have the even minimum requirements.

Hmm..i'd apply for unikl, uitm, n unimas. i hope i got the offer though..
I hope. N today i learnt precious lesson from my dad n mom of course. How to write a proper letter. A proper one which is compatible for the standards which i should have already achieve but again, i dont.

So, so long me frens..see you in future.